This page moved to the XBeach portal

The contents of this page moved to the new XBeach Open-source Software (OSS) portal at and can be directly approached using

New XBeach repository and portal website

The new XBeach portal website is released on! It replaces the general parts of this WIKI space and the Google Groups website.
The Subversion (SVN) repository is migrated as well. The new address is: Read the instruction on how to register and create a new working copy or how to relocate to start using the new SVN server.

Publications related to XBeach at sciencedirect

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Other publication (conference proceedings, reports)

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PDF File The_Effect_of_The_Longshore_Dimensio_on Dune_Erosion_ICCE2010_rev.pdf THE EFFECT OF THE LONGSHORE DIMENSION ON DUNE EROSION. Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Ap van Dongeren, Robert McCall, Ad Reniers. (2010). Presented at the ICCE Shanghai. The effect of the longshore dimension on dune erosion is examined numerically with the 2DH 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File Paper_997_Daly_et_al.pdf SHORT WAVE BREAKING EFFECTS ON LOW FREQUENCY WAVES. Christopher Daly, Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Jaap van Thiel de Vries, and Robert McCall. Paper presented at the ICCE Shanghai 2010. This paper discusses a new 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File McCall Plant Van Thiel.pdf THE EFFECT OF LONGSHORE TOPOGRAPHIC VARIATION ON OVERWASH. Robert McCall, Nathaniel Plant and Jaap van Thiel de Vries. Paper presented at ICCE2010 in Shanghai. 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File HoonhoutHeijer_ICCE2010.pdf RELIABILITY OF DUNE EROSION ASSESSMENT ALONG CURVED COASTLINES. B.M. (Bas) Hoonhout and C. (Kees) den Heijer. Presented at ICCE Shanghai 2010. This paper describes the influence on the dune erosion process of two longshore 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File vandongeren_ningaloo.pdf Poster presented at AGU San Francisco, USA, December 2010. In this poster the open-source XBEACH model is applied to simulate the wave transformation, long wave generation and current pattern at Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia, and compared to data. 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File WP4_Final_report.pdf EU FP7 Workpackage 4 Final Report, on XBeach modelling on European coasts 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren
PDF File vandongeren_etal_coastaldynamics_micorev3.pdf Van Dongeren et al. Coastal Dynamics paper 05-04-2011 by Ap van Dongeren

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