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Definition of validation rule sets

Validation rules are defined in DELFT-FEWS to allow quality checking of all time series data (scalar time series only). Several validation criteria may be defined per time series. All validation rules for all time series are defined in this configuration. For each time series to be checked, a set of validation rules is defined. Defining validation rules to apply to a time series set using a locationSet rather than identifying series individually can simplify the configuration greatly. Most validation rules may be defined either as a constant value, or as a value valid per calendar month.

When available on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring the Validation Rule Sets is for example:

ValidationRuleSets 1.00 default.xml

ValidationRuleSets                   Fixed file name for the Validation rules configuration

1.00                                            Version number

default                                       Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 33 Elements of the ValidationRuleSets configuration.


Root element of the definition of a validation rule set. Multiple entries may exist.


  • validationRuleSetId: Optional reference ID for the validation rule set. Used only in messaging.
  • timeZone: Shift (in hours) of the time zone to be used in considering time values in validation.

Definition of the time series to apply validation rule to.


Validation rules defined to check for extreme values (hard and soft limits)


Validation rules defined to check rate of change.


Validation rules defined to check for series of same readings.


Validation rules defined to check for temporary shifts in time series.

Validation on extreme values

This group of validation rules checks that the values in the time series do not exceed minimum and maximum limits. These limits may be defined as soft limits or as hard limits. Values exceeding soft limits will be marked as doubtful but retained. Values exceeding hard limits will be marked as unreliable.

Figure 34 Elements of the Extreme values configuration of the ValidationRuleSets.


Validation rule for checking hard maximum. Values exceeding this limit will be marked as unreliable.


  • constantValue: Value of hardMax limit, used irrespective of time of value.

Validation rule for checking hard minimum. Values exceeding this limit will be marked as unreliable.


  • constantValue: Value of hardMin limit, used irrespective of time of value.

Validation rule for checking soft maximum. Values exceeding this limit will be marked as doubtful.


  • constantValue: Value of softMax limit, used irrespective of time of value.

Validation rule for checking soft minimum. Values exceeding this limit will be marked as doubtful.


  • constantValue: Value of softMin limit, used irrespective of time of value.

Element used when defining variable limits per calendar month. Twelve values must be defined. When defined the monthly limit will overrule the constant limit.

Validation on rate of change

This group of validation rules checks that the values in the time series do not exceed maximum rates of change. When the rate of change limit is exceeded, the values causing the limit to be exceeded will be marked as unreliable. Rate of change limits may be defined to be the same for the rate of rise as for the rate of fall. These may also be defined to be different.

Figure 35 Elements of the rate of change configuration of the ValidationRuleSets.


Root element used if the rate of rise limit is defined different to the rate of fall.


Validation rule defined for the rate of rise.


  • constantValue: Maximum rate of rise, used irrespective of date of the value.

Validation rule defined for the rate of fall.


  • constantValue: Maximum rate of fall, used irrespective of date of the value.

Element used when defining variable limits per calendar month. Twelve values must be defined. When defined the monthly limit will overrule the constant limit.

Validation on series of same readings

Time series of data can be validated on series of same readings. This may be unlikely for field observations, and may indicate an instrumental error. In some cases a small variability may still be observed, despite instrumental error. The same readings check allows for defining a bandwidth within the value is considered to be the same.

Figure 36 Elements of the same reading configuration of the ValidationRuleSets.


Root element for definition of bandwidth the value may vary within if it is considered to the same reading. The bandwidth is twice the deviation.


  • constantValue: Value for deviation, used irrespective of date of the value.

Root element for definition of time span limit the value may remain the same to be considered realistic. If the reading remains the same for a longer period of time, ensuing values will be considered unreliable.


  • constantValue: Value for time span in seconds, used irrespective of date of the value.

Element used when defining variable limits per calendar month. Twelve values must be defined. When defined the monthly limit will overrule the constant limit.

Validation on Temporary Shifts

Time series of data can be validated on temporary shifts. These occur when instrunments are reset, and can be identified by the values rapidly falling to a constant value, remaining at that value for a short period of time and then returning to the original value range. A complex set of validation criteria include the rate of change as well as a maximum time the value remains the same.

Figure 37 Elements of the temporary shift configuration of the ValidationRuleSets.


Rate of change that must be exceeded both on change to shifted value and change back to original value range for validation rule to apply.


  • constantValue: Value for rate of change, used irrespective of date of the value.

Maximum time span constant shifted value is in time series for validation rule to apply.


  • constantValue: Value for time span in seconds, used irrespective of date of the value.

Element used when defining variable limits per calendar month. Twelve values must be defined. When defined the monthly limit will overrule the constant limit.

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