Nationale Regenradar

At composite radar images are explained. This Howto explains how to configure FEWS to import and display these data. The project makes a composite radar image out of the radar images of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

The next data is generated:

  1. TF0005R: time frame 5 min data, real time, uncalibrated
  2. TF0005N: time frame 5 min data, near real time calibrated
  3. TF0005A: time frame 5 min data, finally calibrated
  4. TF0100R: time frame 1 hour data, real time, uncalibrated
  5. TF0100N: time frame 1 hour data, near real time calibrated
  6. TF0100A: time frame 1 hour data, finally calibrated
  7. TF2400R: time frame 24 hour data, real time, uncalibrated
  8. TF2400N: time frame 24 hour data, near real time calibrated
  9. TF2400A: time frame 24 hour data, finally calibrated

Download data from ftp

You have to download the files from Contact the provider for username and password.
The filenames look like RAD_TFhhmm_[subtype]_yyyymmddhhmm.h5 and have the HDF5 file format.

Download data using OpenDAP

It is also possible to directly download data from the OpenDAP server. This way it is not necessary to transfer and import files. Another advantage is that it is not necessary to download the whole extent of the grid, but a subextent can be selected (unfortunately at this moment not available at the OpenDAP server). This also decreases bandwidth and storage needs. On the other hand, when FEWS has been offline, no data are collected. But since historical data remain available, this does not have to be a problem.

Example files are provided in: These are additional to the config example below. Notice there is a relation between type of data (real-time, near-realtime and definitive), relative viewperiod of the import, and expirytime. The user can improve the periods based on own experience.

Config example

The attached zipfile shows a FEWS configuration example of importing and visualising all data.

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