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PDF File CS19_Elias_vdSpek.pdf 1.31 MB Ellen Quataert 18-12-2019 11:03
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PDF File Waddenzee-Data op Orde-Definitief LS.pdf 12.60 MB Ellen Quataert 18-12-2019 11:03
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PDF File Elias et al 2019 - Understanding sediment bypassing processes through analysis of high-frequency observations of Ameland Inlet, the Netherlands.pdf 10.48 MB Ellen Quataert 18-12-2019 10:55
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PDF File 11203683-001-ZKS-0002_v0.2-Een actuele sedimentbalans van de Waddenzee - Definitief.pdf 12.00 MB Ellen Quataert 25-11-2019 13:20
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PDF File MScthesis_StendertLaan.pdf 26.68 MB Ellen Quataert 25-11-2019 13:11
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PDF File MSc_Thesis_Maurits_Groenewegen.pdf 54.59 MB Ellen Quataert 25-11-2019 13:11
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PDF File 11202190-000-ZKS-0017_v1.0-Een actuele sedimentbalans van het Friesche Zeegat.pdf 4.01 MB Kees Nederhoff 20-12-2018 08:54
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PDF File 11202190-000-ZKS-0006-v1-m-Inventarisatie Analyse Westelijke Waddenbodemdata_definitief.pdf 2.99 MB Kees Nederhoff 20-12-2018 08:53
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PDF File 11202190-000-ZKS-0019_v0.1-Effecten van harde kustverdediging op het kustgedrag bij Texel en Vlieland.pdf 2.78 MB Kees Nederhoff 20-12-2018 08:52
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PDF File Half a century of morphological change in the Haringvliet and Grevelingen ebb-tidal deltas ... Impacts of large-scale engineering 1964-2015 - def.pdf 5.46 MB Kees Nederhoff 30-11-2018 14:57
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PDF File 11202190-000-ZKS-0016_v1.0-Workshop volumebalans en conceptueel model Westelijke Waddenzee’.pdf 93 kB Kees Nederhoff 30-11-2018 14:57
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PDF File 2018-07-04 workshop basiskennis zeegaten deel 2 (Edwin Elias).pdf 4.20 MB Kees Nederhoff 30-11-2018 14:56
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PDF File 2018 Colina Alonso - Morphodynamics of the Haringvliet ebb-tidal delta - (MSc thesis TUD).pdf 144.48 MB Kees Nederhoff 30-11-2018 14:56
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PDF File GIS Atlas harde constructies - scheldestromen.pdf 116.68 MB Kees Nederhoff 20-12-2017 13:22
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PDF File Vermaas en Tonnon 2017 - Overzicht bodemdata 2017.pdf 3.00 MB Kees Nederhoff 19-12-2017 09:55
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PDF File DynamicPreservation Texel Inlet_submit1_PrintVersion.pdf 3.14 MB Jill Hanssen 17-11-2017 15:07
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PDF File SHORE Effecten strandbebouwing op strand en duinontwikkeling_met_bijlagen.pdf 15.83 MB Jill Hanssen 17-11-2017 14:55
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PDF File 11200538-004-ZKS-0003-v2-r-Tidal-channel migration in relation to the subsurface.pdf 7.22 MB Jill Hanssen 17-11-2017 14:53
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PDF File 11200538-004-ZKS-0002-v2-m-Quickscan resultaten Noordzee Zandwinproject.pdf 1.88 MB Jill Hanssen 17-11-2017 14:52
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PDF File Posters_Een overzicht van de recente morfologische veranderingen in het Zeegat van Texel.pdf 3.02 MB Jill Hanssen 17-11-2017 14:52
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