Under construction.

The Universal Coastal Intelligence Toolkit (UCIT, pronounced as Use it!), is an information system developed by WL|Delft Hydraulics aimed at facilitating the use of data and (expert) knowledge in coastal problems. It does so by providing flexible access to and integration of various types of:

  • measurement data (transect, grid, point and line data),
  • models (morphological, ecological etc.), and
  • analysis routines (i.e. state indicators on which decisions are based).

Heart of the system are a database and a Matlab toolbox with a great number of analysis routines. A primary benefit of the UCIT approach is an increased efficiency in dealing with the 'traditional' data problems (e.g. data format, structure and availability, basic analysis etc.) for which long standing approaches are in principle available; less "reinventing-the-wheel". A secondary but by no means lesser benefit is the analysis environment itself which facilitates the interaction within and between research teams; more "learning-from-others".

Rijkswaterstaat Vaklodingen

Rijkswaterstaat Kusthoogte (Kustlidar)

Ucit can be downloaded below.

Downloads are also available from SourceForge following this link. The code is available via OpenEarthTools. When you have a complete svn check-out of the OpenEarthTools Matlab folder, you can launch UCIT from the Matlab command line with ucit_netcdf.



This page facilitates the feedback of the users of Ucit.


Bugs can reported via the issue-management system.


At the Ucit forum you can post questions and remarks or start a discussion.