Student already contribute a number of years to our projects on fresh and salt groundwater in the coastal area. Sometimes with nice reports, sometimes with great results, article worthy! As such, this made that we are a strong supporter of guiding students through internships or thesises (both MSc and PhD)! We have already had students from Dutch universities (WUR, UU, VU), Universities of Applied Sciences (Zeeland, Larensteijn) and institutions like UNESCO-IHE. Foreign (PhD) students were welcome (Universities of Ghent, Florence, Bologna, Rome (La Sapienza)).

We have quite a few new topics, from numerical modeling to water system analysis using monitoring techniques. Just contact us, or the students below. Till hears!


New topics:

info: gualbert dot oudeessink at deltares dot nl

PhD positions:

info: pswarzen at usgs dot gov or gualbert dot oudeessink at deltares dot nl

Examples past studies:







2013, in process...