
This is the wiki page for formatting and editing the standard geonetwork installation to a working Deltares installation such as:
Assumes using stable branch of geonetwork found here:



Adding background map

The normal Geonetwork installation assumes a geoserver installation at localhost. For Deltares this is not the case and therefore the default background layers in the search map and overview map won't show.
Edit the file at  WEB-INF/config-gui.xml

Find the section with  <!-- Configuration for small map search and add a layer to <layers> section:
<layer server="" tocname="OSM" params="{layers: 'OSM-WMS', format: 'image/png'}" options="{isBaseLayer: true}" />

We can use the Terrestris gray Open Street Map service, but any WMS provider will do. You can comment out the other layers if they're not working. Commenting in html is <!-- Comment -->

Do the same for the section starting with <!-- Configuration for map viewer and add a server section for reference:

<server name="Terrestris" url="" />

Save and close the file and restart geonetwork.

Switching to the HTML5 GUI.
For a new interface has been developed, which has found its way to the geonetwork source. See:

Documentation found at:

Edit the file at  WEB-INF/config-gui.xml

Comment out the second working line like this:

<!-- <client type="redirect" widget="false" url="main.home" />-->

 And add the following:

<client type="redirect" widget="true" url="../../srv/eng/search" createParameter="#create" stateId="s" />

After a tomcat service restart the new GUI will load at the default /geoserver link.


Fixing a WFS harvest bug

There is a bug in geonetwork that has been solved upstream of the stable version. See:
It causes the html5 gui to hang when viewing WFS harvested metadata, or show a broken extent in the standard interface. The fix is simple.

Edit WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins/iso19139/convert/OGCWxSGetCapabilitiesto19119/identification.xsl and find the two instances where there is a copy-of value while three similar rows after it have a value-of value.

<gco:Decimal><xsl:value-of select="math:min(exslt:node-set($boxes)/*[name(.)='xmin'])"/></gco:Decimal>

Save the file and restart the tomcat service.


Styling the html5 gui

To have an interface like: instead of the default html5 gui, only a few files need to be edited.
Anyone familiar with web development can use the developer tools in a web browser and the relevant directory apps/html5ui/.

Edit the site logo in css/main.css and use for example the following file: sitelogo.png which should be placed in images directory.
For color styling, use css/colors.css. These two files as used by the marineproject geonetwork can be found here: colors.css and here: main.css. For uploading use something like scp or sftp. WinSCP and Filezilla are relevant programs.