Note: the below page contains information on the old adapter for 3Di. A completely new adapter is available through the 3Di software developer. See all information at

Please note that for running 3Di subgrid from Delft-FEWS only a pre-adapter is needed (a post-adapter is not needed).

3Di pre-adapter

Model pre-adapter for running a 3Di subgrid model from Delft-FEWS.

For information about the 3Di model see:


Usage: PreAdapter <xml pi run file pathname relative to current working directory>

Class name: nl.wldelft.fews3di.PreAdapter




Pathname of the MDU file to update. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory.

Notes for users


StartDateStart date of the model run, in the timeZone of the model.
StartTimeStart time of the model run, in the timeZone of the model.
NTimestepsThe number of timesteps for which the model should run. This uses the timestep "Dt" that is specified in the MDU file.

3. Convert input time series:
All pi time series .xml files (containing one or more scalar time series) that are exported from Delft-FEWS (listed in the xml pi run file as inputTimeSeriesFiles) are converted to .tim files. The .tim files are written in the workDir specified in the xml pi run file. For each time series a separate .tim file is created with a filename equal to <locationId>_0001.tim where <locationId> is the externalLocationId of the time series in Delft-FEWS.

System requirements

Configuration example

Please note that for running 3Di subgrid from Delft-FEWS only a pre-adapter is needed (a post-adapter is not needed). Example of a FEWS general adapter configuration that uses the 3Di adapter: