Water Nexus is a new NWO-STW research programme of 6 Million Euro, that will run from 2015 to 2020, and is supported by 25 partners from multinational and small/middle sized companies, consultancy firms, research institutes, water boards, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. It is coordinated by Prof. Huub Rijnaarts of the Environmental Technology group of Wageningen University (WU). Marc Bierkens (Utrecht University/Deltares) supervises project 1.1: Resource analysis and regional water management, where Gualbert Oude Essink from Utrecht University/Deltares is daily supervisor of the three PhDs.

PhD 1: Rapid regional mapping of salt-fresh water distributions

UU: Vacancy


PhD 2: Rapid modelling and scenarios for strategic policy development

UU, PhD Daniel Zamrsky


PhD 3: Operational management of regional salt-fresh water resources

TUDelft, PhD Boran Aydin


More Information

Dr.ir. Gualbert Oude Essink
+31 (0)6 30550408
gualbert dot oudeessink at deltares dot nl

Prof.dr. Marc Bierkens
marc dot bierkens at deltares dot nl