




Create and update flood periods based on threshold crossings and imported flood warnings

schema location


generate and update flood periods

The Flood Periods module can be used in a workflow to create flood period from imported warning forecasts and threshold crossings of observed time series for forecast locations.  This Flood Periods module has functionality that is also partly included in the Threshold Crossing module, the difference is that the Flood Periods module will generate flood periods for catchments/basins and not for forecast locations. The Flood Periods module has its own XML configuration schema and can be scheduled in a Delft-FEWS system, similar to standard workflows. The module will generate automatically new Flood Periods for basins that are based on observed and/or warning forecasts for locations in the basin. The Flood Period information on basin level is stored in a new database table ‘Floodperiods’. This new Flood Periods database table is created in the Delft-FEWS operational database and will be included in the Delft-FEWS MC-MC synchronization process, database clean-up processes and export to the Delft-FEWS Open Archive. The purpose of the Flood Periods module is that it can create a flood period for a catchment or basin, based on threshold crossings of observed time series or forecast time series for locations within a catchment. The Flood Periods module will check all time series in a timeseriesSet and group the timeseriesSet locations in larger units, these will be called areas. If a direct link with the FEWS Open archive is required, the areas must be identical to the configured Archive Areas.


The configuration of the Flood Periods module is split into several elements, information is provided below. The Floodperiods module can check two types of time series when creating a new 'provisional' flood period:

 The configuration of the function to check observed time series for threshold crossings is shown below; this is the observed element.

With the above configuration, the Floodperiods module will check all time series included in the timeSeriesSet and group the thresholds for the areas in the REPORT_FOLDER location attribute.

The configuration of the function to check if new warnings are imported is shown below; this is the importedThresholdCrossings element, normally in a forecast element.

Additional elements for forecasts are:

 With the above configuration, the Floodperiods module will check all time series included in the timeSeriesSet and group the thresholds for the areas in the REPORT_FOLDER location attribute.

 Some additional remarks on Flood Periods:

Example configuration file

An example Flood Periods module configuration file is provided below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<floodPeriodsModule xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews https://fewsdocs.deltares.nl/schemas/version1.0/floodPeriodsModule.xsd">
	<expiryTime unit="day" multiplier="365"/>
	<periodInitialLength unit="day" multiplier="1"/>
	<maximumPeriodExtensionLength unit="day" multiplier="5"/>
	<forecastSearchPeriod unit="day" start="-2" end="0"/>
				<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
				<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
				<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-4" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
				<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
			<timeSeriesProperty key="Prediction_Level">
				<map value="BelowMinor" thresholdId="Minor Flooding"/>
				<map value="Minor" thresholdId="Minor Flooding"/>
				<map value="Moderate" thresholdId="Moderate Flooding"/>
				<map value="Major" thresholdId="Major Flooding"/>
				<timeSeriesType>external forecasting</timeSeriesType>
				<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
				<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-4" end="10"/>
				<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>