
The MATROOS web service from the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat changes to a secure SSL connection. That means that the address in the url changes from to

This article describes how you can configure FEWS to use the https method. This applies to any import from Matroos, so for importypes like noos_timeseries.


Delft-FEWS is based on JAVA and JAVA does not have by default the PKI Overheid certificate in it's distribution. Unlike popular browsers like Firefox, Chrome or IE. Therefore the PKI Overheid certificate should be made known to JAVA using the below approach.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Change the URL in the import config files from 

  2. Add the attached file client.truststore to the root of your region folder. Note that this file has been generated based on the current certificate (dec. 2015) which will expire somewhere between 2018 - 2020. Before that time it should be updated.

    In case you have already an existing truststore, the certificate should be added to that existing file. See for details the below related article on how to manage that.

  3. Note that you have a FEWS version 2014.01 or higher (or patch) with at least build number 57691 in case you use only a client.truststore. Older versions need a set of both client.keystore and client.truststore. Alternative is to add just a dummy client.keystore.

  4. In case you have still a FEWS version with Java 7, you need to ensure that Java uses the correct TLS protocol v1.2. This is already correct in Java 8. To use TLSv1.2 with Java 7, you should define the next argument in the mc proxy conf or jpif/ini file: -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2


Since FEWS 207.02 it is recommended to configure the client.truststore explicitly in the clientConfig.xml. An example configuration looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


Related articles

See also the general information on the generation of client truststores at

Here is described how you can generate your own client truststore file, for example using a private password.