A bit ugly but we can write integration tests involving Windows.Forms controls (smile)

        public void CreateAndShowTransectDataView()
            var app = mocks.Stub<IApplication>();
            var gui = mocks.Stub<IGui>();
            var project = new Project();
            app.Project = project;
            gui.Application = app;

            var provider = new DurosPlusModelViewProvider {Gui = gui};

            var transectData = DurosPlusModelMockHelper.CreateSampleTransectData();

            project.RootFolder.Add(transectData); // <-- project must contain TransectData in order to create DurosPlus model

            var view = (Control)provider.CreateView(typeof (TransectDataView), transectData);

            // show a message box when item is added to the project
            project.RootFolder.CollectionChanged += delegate(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
                log.DebugFormat("New item has been added: {0}", e.Item);

                // assert
                e.Item.Should("check if newly added item is Duros+ model").Be.OfType<DurosPlusModel>();

            // select 2 checkboxes and click on a "Create Duros+ Models" button.
            var groupBoxSelection = (GroupBox)view.Controls["groupBoxSelection"];
            var checkedListBoxTransect = (CheckedListBox)groupBoxSelection.Controls["checkedListBoxTransect"];
            var checkedListBoxYear = (CheckedListBox)groupBoxSelection.Controls["checkedListBoxYear"];
            var buttonCreateDurosPlusModels = (Button)view.Controls["buttonCreateDurosPlusModels"];

            // do something after form is displayed
            Action<Form> formShownAction = delegate 
                checkedListBoxTransect.SetItemChecked(0, true);
                checkedListBoxYear.SetItemChecked(0, true);

            WindowsFormsTestHelper.ShowModal(view, formShownAction);

After test runs:

Some tips on how to use it:

Probably we should refactor WindowsFormsTestHelper a little to make it more usable. Add any ideas as comments to the current blog post.