
This page describes the Hydrotel module adapter, its functions, and provides an example for configuring a Hydrotel run in FEWS.

The pre-adapter converts netcdf file exported by FEWS:

Furthermore, the pre-adapter writes log messages to a log file called hydrotel_preadapter.log.

The post-adapter converts all *.csv files to one netcdf file "" which names are present in the "sortiesHydrotel" ; separated string property value.The values are weighted by columns specified in "info/uhrh_amont.txt".

It also copies the state files with a timestamp in the filename after start time to the output states directoy

This adapter is specifically created and tested for a time step of 3 hours, some extra changes will be necessary to make it compatible with other time steps.


Model pre-adapter for running a Hydrotel model from Delft-FEWS.

Class name: nl.deltares.hydrotel.HydrotelPreAdapter

For the source code see HydrotelPreAdapter 

The pre-adapter converts netcdf file exported by FEWS:

The Hydrotel PreAdapter will look for property "sortiesHydrotel" in netcdf run file and expects a ; separated string with all the the output parameters that are desired for Hydrotel.

It will write the output parameter to output.csv with a ; and a 1 behind them. For an example see:  hydrotel output.csv

It will also write start and end times to simulation.csv:

'DATE DEBUT' - start date
'DATE FIN' - end date + 3 h
'ECRITURE ETAT FONTE NEIGE' - start date + 1 day
'ECRITURE ETAT BILAN VERTICAL' - start date + 1 day

For an example see: Simulation.csv

Notes for users

System requirements

Hydrotel post-adapter

Class name: nl.deltares.hydrotel.HydrotelPostAdapter

The post-adapter converts all *.csv files to one netcdf file "" which names are present in the "sortiesHydrotel" ; separated string property value.The values are weighted by columns specified in "info/uhrh_amont.txt".

When the integer property "resultsOffset" is present it add the value in minutes to the output times.

It also copies the state files with a timestamp in the filename after start time to the output states directoy when boolean property "sauvegardeEtats" is set to "true" in the netcdf run info file.

For the source code see HydrotelPostAdapter 

Example configuration generalAdapterRun

A complete example model run configuration file can be found here: Hydrotel general adapter config example