The file can be used to make service specific configurations available. This is a property file that is located in the FEWS configuration in the directory:


\# Identifier of the flag conversion file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
\# If omitted no flag conversion takes place
\# Identifier of the unit conversion file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
\# If omitted no unit conversion takes place
\# Identifier of the id map file to use when extracting timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = string).
\# If omitted no id mapping takes place
\# Identifier of the unit conversion file to use when writing timeseries to the FewsPiService (type = string).
\# If omitted no unit conversion takes place
\# Identifier of the id map file to use when writing timeseries to the FewsPiService (type = string).
\# If omitted no id mapping takes place
\# Export missing value. All internal NaN values will be mapped to this value (type = float).
\# If omitted the default value \-999 will be used.
\# Option to skip the export of missing values when reading timeseries from the FewsPiService (type = true/false).
\# If omitted the default value 'true' is used.
\# Default time zone.
\# If omitted the computer time zone is used.
\# Option to return timeseries with value type SAMPLE in the getTimeSeries method.
\# If omittedthe default value 'false' is used resulting in only SCALAR value types being returned.
# Readonly mode can be set to true if no only read access is allowed for FEWS WebServices methods.
# When set to true no create, write, update or execute functionality is allowed.
# default set to false. Since 2017.02


Here follows a explanation of these properties. All property names are case sensitive: