Project Partners - The DEWFORA Consortium

In alphabetical order

DELTARES (Coordinator)The Netherlands
Council for Scientific and Industrial ResearchSouth Africa
Dinder Center for Environmental ResearchSudan 
European Centre for Medium-range Weather ForecastsEurope
German Reasearch Centre for GeosciencesGermany
Hydraulic Research Institute - Nile Basin Capacity Building network for River EngineeringEgypt
Joint Research CentreEurope
Mediterranean Argonomic Institute of ZaragozaSpain
IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications CentreKenya
Nile Forecast CentreEgypt 
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchGermany
Institut Argonomique et Vétérinaire Hassan IIMorocco
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water EducationNetherlands
Universidad Politecnica de MadridSpain
University Eduardo Mondlane, faculty of EngineeringMozambique
University of Porto, Faculty of EngineeringPortugal
WR Nyabeze & AssociatesSouth Africa
WaterNet TrustBotswana
Wetlands International - Sahelian Sub Regional OfficeMali