Root configuration files

The following root Configuration Files are required or optional for either an Operator Client (OC) and a Forecasting Shell Server (FSS)

RootConfiguration fileOCFSS
splash_screen.jpgrecommendednot needed
dashboards.inioptionalnot needed

A * means any prefix allowed such as "oc" or "fss"

1) required when sll certificate issuer used https web service mentioned in the FEWS configuration is bundled with the (Amazon) java run time. See adding a sll certificate.

clientConfig.xml file(s)

From Delft-FEWS 2018.02 onwards, the different clientConfig.xml files have an important place in the Delft-FEWS root configuration. Different variants (for different components) of clientConfig.xml files exist and will be explained below.

The clientConfig.xml consist of the following elements:


Optional element for setting the title of your application/component


Required element for defining the type. Enumeration of options includes;


Required element. One or more references to the required root configuration files which should always be downloaded when an OC or FSS starts. For an OC the following root configuration files are important to mention here: patch.jar,, splash-screen reference and oc_clientConfig.xml. See below mentioned image. Important remark is that when the OC starts, it will be checked if these files are present. If not, they will be downloaded. If they are already there, it will be checked it is the correct active version as in the central database. If the files on the file systems are not the active version, they will be downloaded and overwritten.


Optional element to define the connections to the Master Controller. Only required if you have more than 1 Master Controller connections (multi MC environments).

If there is only 1 Master Controller, the connection details are already within the shortcuts (TO DO: INSERT LINK TO EXPLANATION) you have created when deploying/installing the system.

databaseServer (+ url / user / password)

Required elements for setting the details of the database server if you want to specify those in the <connection>. See example below

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <clientType>Operator Client</clientType>
        <connection id="mc00_postgresql">
        <connection id=" mc01_oracle">
        <connection id="mc02_sqlserver">
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="HyFS_Help" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="AUS_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="QLD_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="NSW_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="SA_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="WA_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="NT_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="TAS_Products" exportDir="products"/>
        <autoExportModuleDataSet name="VIC_Products" exportDir="products"/>


Optional element to specify additional java VM options (which were present in the launcher *ini file in earlier versions of Delft-FEWS). In short: all -D and -Xmx options can be configured in individual jvmOptions, example see below.


Local cache size (in MB, default is 500) for downloaded timeseries from central database when using Direct Database Access (or DDA) or from the Open Archive Server. This is NOT a feature when you are using synchronization to download timeseries locally to create a LocalDataStore (or LDS). If omitted, the default value of 500MB will be used.


Use this option to generate a local datastore of a specific format. Will (only) be created when no local datastore is present yet and only in case when a synchProfile is present.

Options are: Derby (default), Firebird or HyperSQL.


Option to generate some extra system logging.

The following example demonstrates how event logging is enabled for an OC or FSS by addition of a logging section to the clientConfig.xml.

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<clientType>Operator Client</clientType>
        <debugEnabled>false</debugEnabled> <!--since 2018.02-->
        <rollingTotalSizeMB>5</rollingTotalSizeMB> <!--since 2018.02, when a log file is reaching 1 MB a new log file is created with the next sequence number. Only the last 5 log files are kept-->	

If enabled, the event logging sents a subselection of all log messages that were logged via log4j to the operating system event log.
The selection includes

If for instance a custom adapter is required to log to this facility, the adapter should log using log4j with a Syslog prefix in the message, e.g."Syslog.Adapter: imported file" + filename);


A string path to a accessible directory which holds the warmstates of certain models. In their corresponding general adapter run (model run), a forecasting model can write warmstates to a location on the server (instead of storing it in the database).


Use this option when you want to use your own WPAD script. Use a CDATA block around your script.


Use this option if a ProxyAutoConfig (PAC) file is located on e.g. your intranet page.


<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
		function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
		return "DIRECT";
	<! -- OR USE -->



Optional element with references to all ModuleDataSet files which should be extracted when an OC or FSS starts. Mostly valid for FSSs since they are running the models. In case of using the new Web Browser Display this option should also be used to distribute the required libraries for an OC.

In fact: the complete structure on an FSS underneath the "/Modules/" folder should (ideally) be stored in one or more ModuleDataSet files. Only in this way, FSSs can be used for scaling up/down since its content is generated automatically. See below mentioned image with a number of references to ModuleDataSet files.

The exportDir is relative to %REGION_HOME% unless otherwise specific. The name references the moduleDataSet file-name without the zip-extension. It is not required register to this file-name as a moduleInstanceId.

<autoExportModuleDataSet name="VIC_Products" exportDir="products"/>

Unzips the to %REGION_HOME%/products (d:\fews\fss\1\products ) ( /opt/fews/fss/1/products)


When the sll certificate issuer used by a https web host mentioned in the FEWS configuration isn't bundled with the (Amazon) java run time you need to create a truststore file.  You can create this truststore file with a FEWS standalone - F12-  convert → convert certificate file to truststore file (2018.02 build  87948). For older builds you have to use the keytool in the jre/bin dir.  You have to add this file to the otherRootConfigFiles so it is automatically downloaded on a OC/FSS/PI. Unfortunately this will not work when the certificate is used by the database connection itself.


A synchProfile can be defined if you would like to create an OC with LocalDataStore. By default the connection will be Direct Data Access (DDA).

Per synchProfile you can define what should be synched. Most elements are compulsory and can be set to enabled (true/false). Within the timeseries, warmstates, logentries and  thresholdevents you can configure a certain maximum age. See config example below. Ensure that you include all relevant synchLevels in your application. See also the definition of default sychnLevel here.

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <clientType>Operator Client</clientType>
    <connection id="mc00_postgresql">
    <connection id=" mc01_oracle">
    <connection id="mc02_sqlserver">
    <synchProfile id="full">
        <xmlConfig enabled="true" name="Default xml config" synchLevel="11"/>
        <coldStates enabled="true" name="Default cold states" synchLevel="11"/>
        <moduleDataSets enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
        <mapLayers enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
        <icons enabled="true" name="Default icons" synchLevel="11"/>
        <reportTemplates enabled="true" name="Default report templates" synchLevel="11"/>
        <reportImages enabled="true" name="Default report images" synchLevel="11"/>
        <!-- this is just an example and does not include the full list of possible synchLevels!! -->
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Telemetry" synchLevel="1" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Manual" synchLevel="5" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Astronomical and climatological" synchLevel="4" maxAge="1000" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Small external forecast grids" synchLevel="6" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Large external forecast grids" synchLevel="16" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <forecastTriggeredTimeSeries name="Simulated forecast time series" enabled="true" synchLevel="0"/>
        <warmStates enabled="true" name="Warm states" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <logEntries enabled="true" name="Log Entries" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <thresholdEvents enabled="true" name="Threshold Events" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
    <synchProfile id="minimal">
        <xmlConfig enabled="true" name="Default xml config" synchLevel="11"/>
        <coldStates enabled="true" name="Default cold states" synchLevel="11"/>
        <moduleDataSets enabled="false" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
        <mapLayers enabled="true" name="Default module data sets" synchLevel="11"/>
        <icons enabled="true" name="Default icons" synchLevel="11"/>
        <reportTemplates enabled="false" name="Default report templates" synchLevel="11"/>
        <reportImages enabled="false" name="Default report images" synchLevel="11"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Telemetry" synchLevel="1" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Manual" synchLevel="5" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="true" name="Astronomical and climatological" synchLevel="4" maxAge="1000" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="false" name="Small external forecast grids" synchLevel="6" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <continuousTimeSeries enabled="false" name="Large external forecast grids" synchLevel="16" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <forecastTriggeredTimeSeries name="Simulated forecast time series" enabled="true" synchLevel="0"/>
        <warmStates enabled="false" name="Warm states" maxAge="10" unit="day"/>
        <logEntries enabled="true" name="Log Entries" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>
        <thresholdEvents enabled="true" name="Threshold Events" maxAge="1" unit="day"/>


Here you can indicate whether you are using an 'external' (= non-blobbed) database for: Parameters, Locations, Qualifiers and External Historical Timeseries. You have to specify the connection details to this (database) server here.

Example ClientConfiguration

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<title>my Delft-FEWS SA</title>
	<clientType>Stand alone</clientType>

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<title>my Delft-FEWS OC</title>	
	<clientType>Operator Client</clientType>
	<autoExportModuleDataSet name="X" exportDir="X"/>

<clientConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<title>my Delft-FEWS FSS</title>	
	<clientType>Forecasting Shell</clientType>
	<autoExportModuleDataSet name="X" exportDir="X"/>