The patch.jar for the ConfigManager and Master Controller has to be uploaded via the Admin Interface.  The patch for the OC / FSS can be placed under the name patch.jar in the region home folder of the oc / fss and specifically listed in the client config xml under <otherRootConfigFiles>. When the ConfigManager is used to upload a new patch.jar, the patch.jar in the OC and FSS will replace the file in their region home by the new file from the database. When it is necessary to control the fss and oc patches separately, a prefix fss_ or oc_ or any other prefix can be used (e.g. fss_patch.jar) or oc_patch.jar) as long as the last part is patch.jar. The prefix is optional.  It used to be common to distribute the patch.jar using the ConfigManager as a RootConfigFile, but for convenience, in 2021.02 and later, the patch.jar uploaded via the Admin Interface can also be used for the Operator Clients and Forecasting Shell Servers.

Since 2021.02, the OC / FSS and can also automatically use the patch.jar uploaded via the Admin Interface. This will happen automatically when the patch.jar is no longer present in the client config xml file and a recent boot build is used (at least 2021.02 #106157).

Overview of advantages / disadvantages different options

upload optionsadvantagesdisadvantages
upload patch through Admin Interface
  • maintaining one patch for all components
  • only one upload action needed
  • can be done via browser or via API call, and therefore automated
  • rolling back patch by uploading old patch
  • no history of uploaded patches (yet)
upload patch via Config Manager
  • possibility to use different patches for MC/CM and OC/FSS
  • easy roll back of patch
  • see history of uploaded patches
  • split responsibility for patches for components (if desired)
  • uploading patches in different ways
  • different patches for different components to maintain
  • needs installed Config Manager, and cannot be automated