
Pre condition: The user has two schematizations

Target: The user wants to create a linked configuration where the two models are bi-directionally linked in 4 locations.

Succes criterea: User creates the configuration with 8 links in total in less than 2 minutes.


1) Start OmiEd
2) Add model "InfoWorks, Mexico City"
3) Add model "MIKE 11, Rio Grande"
4) Add link (InfoWorks, Flow, Location 1, linear tranformation -1*x + 0) -> (MIKE 11, Inflow, Location 1)
5) Add link (MIKE 11, Water Level, Location 1, linear transformation x-10) -> (InfoWorks, Stage, Location 1)
6-11) Repeat 4-5 for Location 2, Location 3, Location 4.
12) Save the configuration

How to address in Version 1

Step 4) Choosing Add link will populate the link dialog. This will propulate two tree-views.

Step 5) Choosing Add link will populate the link dialog. This will propulate two tree-views.


After step 11) OmiEd will have poulated (400000 + 50000 + 500000 + 40000)*4 = 3960000 treview elements and MIKE 11 and InfoWorks will together have generated all these.

Hardly doable in 2 minutes?

How to address in Version 2

Present ideas in any form how you'd expect it to work in the OpenMI 2.0