See also: OATC Wiki Home

Date: 3. March 2011
Time: 13:30 - 14:30 CET
Venue: Skype Conference Call

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, MWH Soft Ltd (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)
Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (, DHI (

Unknown User (don), Deltares (

1. Report from OGC Technical Committee meeting in Bonn

3 ways to become an OGC standard

2.1. Best practice: only a recommendation by the OGC

2.2. Fast track: an existing standard could be updated with only minor changes and little control by the OGC;
       time horizon about half a year;
       OpenMI 2.x could be a such a candidate.

2.3. Standard Working Group (SWG): a project with the aim of a balanced, improved standard;
       intensive cooperation with OGC;
       time horizon 3 to 4 years;
       OpenMI 3.x could be the result of the OpenMI SWG

Suggestion: follow approaches 2.2. and 2.3.


2. Open SDK issues

Oatc SDK: Jesper and Stef started to work on the issues on the Trac Wiki.

Fluid Earth SDK:

Adrian is progressing. Will commit some parts today, to show how he as split the implemenation of the input/output exchange items into a base and a time and space part, so that Stef can have a look at before starting to split the Oatc.SDK's exchange items.
In about two weeks from now that will be a first version of the Fluid Earth SDK.
The Pipistrelle GUI is currently developed, and deviates slightly from the previous version.

3. Miscellaneous

Java / .Net bridging

Stef mentions that he has integrated OpenDA's (java) and C# models. This at least works for one example, many things yet to be tested / found out. It has been done by using IKVM, which converts the *.jar files into .net-assemblies, including debug info if required.

Jesper suggest to bridge the languages by accessing linkable components throug a webservice (see his thoughts on this in the Trac wiki). Anyone is invited to react to or extend the ideas.
Deltares is consireding a compable approach for the OpenDA integration. Stef will add thoughts on and experiences with this integration on the Trac wiki page mentioned above.

4. Next Skype meetings