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Date: July 13, 2010
Time: 10:45 - 11:30 CEST
Venue: Skype Conference Call
Topic: Finalizing OpenMI Standard 2.0 Beta

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, Wallingford Software (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (, DHI (
Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (

Unknown User (don), Deltares (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)

1. Progress towards OpenMI 2 Beta release

1.1. Documentation updates

The three documents, "What's new in OpenMI 2.0", "OpenMI 'in a nutshell'" and "The OpenMI Standard2 interface specification" are ready.
Stef will produced pdfs, and will remove previous versions of the documentation to the depricated part.
(thumbs up) Has been done, finished July 12th.

1.2. Source code documentation

Stef will take care that the java and the C# documentation are more or less the same (minor textual differences still exist).
(thumbs up) Has been done, finished July 9th.
(warning) the Reference Manual yet has to be generated (action Standa)
(thumbs up) Standa will indeed regenerates the document, and will remove the "<see ref=..." etc. texts.

2. Remaining issues






At some places IBaseOutput (e.g. Consumers) C#-version returns a list, Java an iterator

Done by: Rob

Replace with List<T>


In the C#-version, the arguments argument still has to be removed from Initialize()

Done by: Stef

Change in Standard, note as deprecated in SDK

OpenMI XSD files

The component and compliancy XSD files still are based on 1.4. Must be extended.

Done by: Rob

Ok (TimeSpace compliancy issued postponed)

TimeSpace compliancy in XSD file

Decide if TimeSpace compliancy needs to be included in the OpenMICompliancyInfo.xsd file and if so how to do it.


Mark as deprecated in Beta1

Availability loop approach

The Nut Shell document mentions the loop approach as available but discouraged, whereas the other documents state that it is not available.

Done by: Adrian
Pdf done by: Stef

Modify Nut Shell document

Regenerate 2 class diagrams

AdaptedOutputFactory, LinkableComponent

Done by: Standa


IArgument Array/List

IBaseLinkableComponent in C# returns an IArgument[], in Java it returns List<IArgument>

Done by: Stef

Change C# to return List


Method still in ITimeSpaceValueSet, should be removed?

Java updates done: Rob.
C# updates done: Stef

Remove method

Move interfaces to TimeSpace extension

ISpatialDefinition, IElementSet, ITime, ITimeSet could be moved from the base to the TimeSpace extension


Leave as is for Beta1

Update copyright notice

Add year 2010 to the OpenMI copyright header in all source files

Java updates done: Rob.
C# updates done: Stef
(Standard2 only, SDK to be done)

Update headers

Distribution package

Distribute base and timespace extension in a single package or as two?


Keep as 1 package for Beta1

Source code comments

The javadoc tool reported some source code comment issues, which have been fixed (see SourceForge commit #1511). Needs to be duplicated in C#.

Done by: Stef


Merge IValueDefinition and IDictionaryItem

IValueDefinition (with related classes) and IDictionaryItem bought describe data semantics and could be unified.

<status: open>


<new issue>


<status: open>


Transcript of discussions on the above topics and a few other subjects:

3. Next Meeting

To be planned after release and summer holidays, unless urgent issues arise.