The OATC will release new versions of the GUI and the SDK from time to time. However, correction of minor bugs or inconveniences does not automatically trigger a release. This means that in some cases it can be useful to get a non released version of either the SDK or the configuration editor (GUI). Although the code you would get is not tested to the same extent as released code, it should still be pretty stable due to extensive unit testing.

The OATC OpenMI source code is located on the SourceForge open source server. It is using SVN for version control.

If you want to download the most recent version you should follow the steps listed below:

Once you have been through the checkout steps, you can simply right click on your local directory and select "update" in order to get/update your files to the most recent version.

Note that the "TortoiseSVN" right-click-menu contains different functionality for interacting with the source control system.

Folder structure in trunk

Building the source code

For the .Net version of the source code, Visual Studio 2008 solutions are provided. However, any csharp compiler that can handle .Net Framework 3.0 should be able to build the sources.

Getting another version of the source

If you want another version of the source, you can locate that using the repository browser, or by using the web interface at

To get the 1.4 standard branch, in the "Url of repository" you could then enter