OpenMI Association Technical Committee meeting no 10

Date: November 14, 2007

Venue: Web-meeting    

Jan Gregersen, LICTEK ( (chairman of the meeting)
Unknown User (, DHI - Water & Environment (
Adrian Harper, Wallingford Software (
Stef Hummel, WL | Delft Hydraulics (
Unknown User (onnoroos), Alterra (
Rob Knapen, Alterra (



Agenda & Minutes / Issues:

1. OpenMI release tasks 

We went through the release tasks on source forge, which were had deadlines before November 15 or were marked as 100% completed. Some tasks were signed off (closed) and for some tasks the deadline was postponed.

2. Any other business

3. Next web meeting

We will have an open technical meeting in wallingford on Thursday 22nd. At this meeting we will set the date for the next web meeting.