Jaap van Thiel de Vries and Fedor Baart are working on a morphodynamic model for Ameland. It will be used to hindcast the storm of november 2007 and will be extended for use in the operational model setup.

Some photo's by Martin Baptist from the storm can be found on the NCK page
A detailed report can be found on the SVSD site

|F|M|F|          |          |bruens|Bathymetry|
|F|M|F|          |          |bruens|Grid|
|T|M|F|          |1295880675407|minikows|Wave input|
|T|M|F|          |1295882626943|minikows|Flow input|
|T|M|F|          |1337080238740|martijn84@gmail.com|Morphology input|
|T|M|F|          |1333701635413|carola.van.der.hout@nioz.nl|Operational version|