Under construction.

Not yet available.

The newest version of Muppet can be downloaded below.

Note1: This application requires the installation of Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR). Please be aware that you need different versions of the MCR for 32-bit (download) and 64-bit (download).

Note2: Be aware that you need writing permissions on the drive on which you install Muppet!

Installation notes

Before installing Muppet, make sure that the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) v7.11 is installed on your system. The MCR installer can be downloaded here.

To install Muppet, download and execute the msi installer package from the download section.

During the installation process, you can specify the installation location. Although the program itself does not require a large amount of memory, the program directory can become quite large due to data caching. Therefore, it is advised to install Delft Dashboard on a drive with sufficient memory available (> ?? GB).

After installing, you can start Muppet via the shortcuts in the windows start menu or on the desktop.