Master Class Salt Water Intrusion, 27-29 July 2011, Can Tho, Vietnam

Download: Powerpoint presentation (in pdf format)
Download: Word doc: Vertical interface between fresh and saline groundwater
Download: PMWIN files: Vertical interface between fresh and saline groundwater
Download: Word doc: Evolution of a freshwater lens in a coastal area
Download: PMWIN files: Evolution of a freshwater lens in a coastal area
Download: PMWIN files: Henry's case: salt water intrusion, case study
Download: Lecture notes Density Dependent Groundwater Flow

Lectures Density dependent groundwater flow, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, 27 June - 1 July 2011

Download: Powerpoint presentation (in pdf format)
Download: Solution analytical exercises
Download: Word doc: Vertical interface between fresh and saline groundwater
Download: PMWIN files: Vertical interface between fresh and saline groundwater
Download: Word doc: Evolution of a freshwater lens in a coastal area
Download: PMWIN files: Evolution of a freshwater lens in a coastal area

Download: Lecture notes Density Dependent Groundwater Flow

Material of the CIHEAM course, 22-27 March 2010, Zaragoza, Spain, Quantitative methods

Download: Lecture notes (in pdf format)
Download: Solution analytical exercises

Density Dependent Groundwater Flow, Salt Water Intrusion and Heat Transport

Author: Gualbert Oude Essink
Lecture notes: Density Dependent Groundwater Flow

Groundwater Modelling

Description: Gualbert Oude Essink
Lecture notes: Groundwater Modelling I

Animations: examples

Download: Henry's profile with sea level rise
Download: Dutch profile with extraction, upconing and low inland levels
Download: Profile over 3D model: autonomous salinisation, sea level rise