Obsolete since version 2008.01. Since version 2016.01 this config file is no longer supported. The are ignored when still in the database but can no longer be uploaded with the config manager.







Definition of sets of travel times for correlation events (used by correlation module only)

schema location


The correlation module in DELFT-FEWS allows forecasts for a downstream location to be established using a correlation of peak events for the forecast site and one or more support sites. For each river multiple correlations between several sites on the river may be defined. Together with the correlation establishing a forecast value, an estimate of travel time between the locations can be given. This is given either as a default travel time, or it is established through regression of the events considered. An estimate of the travel time is also used to establish which events in the upstream and downstream location are paired.

From Delft-FEWS version 2013.02 it is no longer required to identify the TravelTimes to DELFT-FEWS. If this TravelTimesDescriptor file does NOT exist or the individual reference to an TravelTime is not present, the system will assume the corresponding TravelTimes file exist within the TravelTimesFiles directory. This functionality is similar for UnitConversion(Descriptors), FlagConversion(Descriptors) and IdMap(Descriptors).

Correlation sets can be defined to allow logical ordering these into logical groups. This configuration file is similar to the CorrelationEventSets and defines the groups for which travel time data will be later defined.

When available on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring the TravelTimesDescriptors is for example:

TravelTimesDescriptors 1.00 default.xml

Fixed file name for the TravelTimesDescriptors configuration

1.00                                            Version number

default                                       Unit to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 50 Elements of the TravelTimesDescriptors configuration


Root element of the TravelTimesDescriptor. New element is required for each TravelTimes set identified. Multiple instances may be defined.
