Scenario Module Configuration

The scenarios module from Delft FEWS is used for generating scenario time series sets in a running forecast. These scenario time series sets are used to transform model input and output time series sets.

In stand alone forecasting system a forecaster may want to run scenarios, or alternative forecast, by using simple transformations on time series. The parameters used in the transformations are time series sets generated from coefficients inserted in the scenarios display.

When available as configuration on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring an instance of the scenarios module called for example Makescenarios may be:

Makescenarios 1.00 default.xml


File name for the Makescenarios configuration.


Version number


Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 140 Root element of the scenarios module.


Root element for the definition of a scenario. Multiple entries may exist.


Figure 141 Elements of the scenarios configuration.


The description is only used to give some background information on the scenario.,


Main element in the definition of a scenario. Multiple entries may exist.


Definition of a variable in the scenario variable. Multiple entries may exist. The variable has a variableid as attribute and includes a time series set.


TimeSeriesSet defining the data to be generated from the variable values and transformation type.


The transformationType is an enumeration of transformation functions that can be used in the scenario.