Longitudinal Profile Display

Since release 2007.02  the Longitudinal Profile Display discussed below is not supported anymore. Time Series/Data display can be used to show the longitudinal profiles 04 Data Display and Data Editor

The FEWS Longitudinal display can be used to show time series, generated by hydraulic models for a longitudinal river profile,. stored in the FEWS data store. Another option is to generate a longitudinal profile in the time series display. 

To show longitudinal profile data press the [Longitudinal Display ] button from the FEWS toolbar. When the Longitudinal Display is active you can see the following components on the Display:

When a longitudinal profile is selected from the list the graph component is loaded with data for the selected profile:

When the play button is pressed the time series will be shown in the graph as a kind of movie.

When configured other information than the time series can be shown in the graph. From the above example can be seen that also information on the location of motorways or bridges is added as well as thresholds for a location located on the selected branch.