Functionality to define qualifiers to time series, next to locationIds and parameterIds


Configure predefined timesteps for a fews environment

Where to Use?

To define verbose timesteps or to define yearly or monthly time steps

Why to Use?

Yearly and monthly time steps can only be configured in the timesteps.xml. For verbose timesteps it might be
usefull to define them once in the timestep.xml and refer to them from other configuration files.


Definition of timesteps which can be referenced from other configuration files

Available since:



The timesteps.xml can be used to configure timesteps. This file is usefull to define verbose timesteps and refer to the definition of these timesteps to

from other configuration files.


When available on the file system, the name of the XML file is for example:

TimeSteps 1.00 default.xml

TimeSteps                                 Fixed file name for the TimeSteps configuration

1.00                                            Version number

default                                       Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).


Below the schema of the TimeStep.xml configuration files.



-         id: Unique Id of level threshold. This id should be used when referencing to this definitation from other configuration files.

The following link describes in detail of to configure a timestep.


A timeStep that defines a pattern of dates in a year. This pattern will be repeated every year.

Each date in the year can have a different aggregation period (season).

The start of the aggregation period is exclusive and the end of the aggregation period is inclusive.

This yearlyTimeStep is meant for seasons, therefore limited to four dates.

If more than four dates in a year are required, then please use the monthDays option in the timeStep element instead of this yearlyTimeStep

Schema yearly time step

Below the schema of the yearly time step


Below a configuration example

	<yearlyTimeStep id="daily">
		<monthDay start="--01-01" end="--01-02" value="--01-02"/>
		<monthDay start="--04-02" end="--04-03" value="--04-03"/>
		<monthDay start="--07-03" end="--07-04" value="--07-04"/>
		<monthDay start="--10-04" end="--10-05" value="--10-05"/>

To define a yearly time step an id should be configured. Secondly the monthDays of the time steps should be configured.
In this example the yearly time step has 4 monthDays. The start attribute defines the start of the aggregation period and the
end tag defines the end of the aggregation period. The value defines the value of the monthDay itself.

Monthly time step

A timeStep that defines a pattern of days in a month. This pattern will be repeated every month. Each day in the month can have a different aggregation period. The start of the aggregation period is exclusive and the end of the aggregation period is inclusive.

Schema monthly time step

Below the schema of the monthly time step.

Below a configuration example

	<monthlyTimeStep id="example">
		<day start="01" end="02" value="02"></day>
		<day start="10" end="11" value="11"></day>