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Add a WMS layer via the Google Earth user interface

Add a WMS layer by editing a kml file

If you save the WMS layer you created via the GUI, you can save that to a separate .kml file. IF you save as a .kmz, that is simply a zipped .kml. You can now edit the .kml in an ASCII edit such as notepad, wordpad or textpad, to see what the syntax is for showing a WMS layer in Google Earth.

Once saved, you will see that kml uses a so-called GroundOverlay element. The GroundOverlay is en element that positions any image on the globe by describing its bounding boxes. The image can be a local image, one that you saved to your local harddisk, or a image on the web. For WMS, the image is actually generated on the fly, using a a very long url. We explain the construction of this url on a separate wms primer. Note that you need to replace all & sumbols in the url with the html encoding for aht &.,52.9343465,4.7177535,53.047411499999995&layers=z&format=image/png&crs=EPSG%3A4326&width=800&height=600&styles=boxfill/ferret&COLORSCALERANGE=-500,500&TRANSPARENT=TRUE

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
	<name>vaklodingenKB121_2120 wms</name>

Add a WMS layer by editing a kml file