
More and more, aquatic and semi-terrestrial vegetation (salt marshes, mangroves, floodplain vegetation) is playing a prominent role in interdisciplinary studies of recovering or threatened ecosystems and flood risk reduction. Both within Deltares and in the world around us, vegetation is a topic of interest for many different disciplines (hydrodynamics, morphology, (ground-)water quality, ecology and eco-engineering). Because vegetation modelling is a very interdisciplinary subject, it tends to fall between programmes or themes and people of different organizations may have difficulties to stay aware of the state-of-the-art. This wiki will help the vegetation modelling community (and other modellers) to integrate vegetation modelling tools, share knowledge and keep each other up-to-date on developments.

Related Themes and Programmes

Themes and programmes that relate to vegetation modelling are:

Theme Ecosystems and Environmental Quality:   

Theme Flood Risk:      

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