• Configuration Manager - What's new - 2024.02

    ColdStateFiles support .zip directories

    The Config Manager will detect directories in ColdStateFiles that end with ".zip" and it will zip the directory and upload the zip into the directory

    This is done for a better combination with version control systems. They can keep track of the individual files without having to update the whole zip again and again and again.

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2023.02

    Added WebResources

    WebResources are the first config type that allows to have multiple files active with the same filename. But they have to reside in different directories. The directories will be used as unique id.

    ModuleDataSetFiles support .zip directories

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2021.02

    Deleting single revisions 

    The delete and cleanup buttons have been added. The Delete button deletes a selected inactive revision. The Clean up button cleans up all config files which are not referenced by any revision anymore:

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2020.02

    F12 config zip upload

    It has become possible to upload a new config revision at once from a zip file, this will skip the import review dialog, clicking the save all and adding a revision comment.

    Within the zip a directory called "config" should be present.

    It will replace the whole config revision without extra GUI steps in between.

    It will check whether the file is a zip and whether it contains at least some System, Root and Region config files.

    Should not be used while Configuration Manager is open, this will cause conflicts.

    Not possible to connect with CM to newer Master Controllers

    It is not possible anymore to connect to newer Master Controllers to prevent possible database corruptions in the future. Warnings about other version differences remain.

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2020.01

    The validation button is removed since the CM already validates the xml with schema on import and the validate button itself has only a very limited outdated of extra checks it is decided that from 2020.01 the validate button will be removed to prevent a false sense of security. A warning is added that the config should be tested in stand alone and after a creating a new config revision users should check the AI to see if the system is still running fine.

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2018.02

    The Admin Interface is used to upload the patch.jar used by the Config Manager. Also the user management in the Admin Interface controls which users are allowed to view or edit configuration in the ConfigManager.

  • Configuration Manager - What's new - 2017.02

    The following changes are new compared to 2017.01( and earlier)

    • Connection to the database via Direct Database Access (DDA) only, also no more SA
    • Import directly into central database, but with temporary “uncommitted” version number and synch level 9
    • No more DefaultConfig database tables required
    • Config indicated with synchLevel 11 will be the default
    • On startup all “uncommitted” config is removed
    • When session from other user is still active a warning is given
    • Removed buttons: "Log in", "Log out", "Download" and "Upload" (these actions are now automated or not required anymore because of DDA)

    • Different ordering of the buttons, more suitable to the order and frequency of use
    • New Button: "Save All" => Give all uncommitted configuration files a new version (instead of uncomitted) and set as default. When this button is pressed, an audit log message is provided as the following: 
      CM.SaveAll: User <user> created a new revision with id <id> with comment <comment>.

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