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New solution layout is in branches/new-layout (not 95% finished but must be tested first)

Please avoid renaming / moving files or folders. Any changes will need to be migrated manually.


1. Changed directory layout to:

build/ ........................ build scripts and build tools
doc/ .......................... documentation
lib/ .......................... shared libraries (binaries)
src/ .......................... source code only (!)
test/ ......................... test projects, groupped in the same way as src
test-data/ .................... data used in tests

Files in the lib, src, test, test-data directories are groupped using the following rules:

  • All directories always use the same structure as an src
  • lib/ additionally contains some libraries at the top-level used by many products

2. Created temporary branch: new-layout

3. Moved folders and projects around ... a lot!!!

4. Renamed all folders and projects from DelftShell ... to DeltaShell (DelftTools.* remain the same)

5. Trying to fix solution,


(minus) Rename DeltaShell.Plugins.KRWVerkenner in source code tree to something more intuitive for all users (including non-Dutch), e.g.: DeltaShell.Plugins.BasinModels (basin management), move it into DelftModels
(minus) RENAME all namespaces to DeltaShell where required (all except Common/DelftTools.*)
(minus) FunctionPoint.cs - Huh?
(minus) Ask Arno if we can remove DeltaVerkenner plugin (leaving only GIS functionality he uses)
(minus) Isolate Habitat1 dlls including Demis.MapControl
(minus) Setup projects must be organized in accordance to plugins
(minus) Clean-up FitNesse tests (mess)
(minus) REVIEW ALL TESTS DATA (too big)
1. Move data to test-data/ folder
2. Check if large data files used in integration tests can be compressed
(minus) MOVE src\Plugins\DelftModels\Externals\ds\common\packages\delft_model_data to test\ folder (not sources)
make it checkout only required C# projects on a higher level
(minus) Habitat scripts in build\ is not a good idea!!!
(minus) Habitat inside DeltaShell\Product.wxs?!?! WTF!?!??
(minus) CommonToolsPlugin.wxs should be in DeltaShell/
(minus) DelftModels\Product.wxs is referencing ico from Habitat project!?!?!? WTF ?!@?
(minus) HabitatLogo.png in IJselmeerVerkenner ?!?? WTF?
Move OpenMI to standard DeltaShell plugins (after migration to 2.0)?
(minus) Why there is a "copy "$(SolutionDir)lib\DeltaShell\DeltaShell.Gui\license.lic" .\" in DeltaShell.Loader.csproj ?!?
(minus) Move Habitat 1 projects to branch\ and leave only required dlls in lib\Plugins\Habitat (old version)
(minus) Make SharpMapTestUtils and DelftTools.TestUtils consistent (chose one convention)
(minus) DON'T just blindly merge all tests - look at dependencies!
(minus) Do we need to support MWell in DeltaShell.sln (is it used??)
(minus) NetworkEditor is a HydroNetworkEditor, right? Maybe we need Hydro plugin containing various edtors (Basin, HydroNetwork, etc.)
(minus) INTRODUCE RULE: if you include project on a file system - it must be available in the solution, otherwise remove it from the file system as well!
(minus) NetTopologySuite.Extensions referencing NHibernate.dll WTF?!?
(minus) move lib\DeltaShell\DeltaShell.Plugins.SharpMapGis\ to lib\Common\SharpMap.Extensions?
(minus) The following projects need to be included into the solution (migrated) or deleted:
(minus) DeltaShell.Plugins.SharpMapGis.csproj references NHibernate.dll - remove it!?
(minus) DeltaShell.Plugins.Series.csproj references NHibernate.dll
(minus) write test checking number of csproj in solution and on file system (should match (smile))
(minus) walk through ALL projects and remove PLUGIN -> PLUGIN dependencies!
(plus) WTF, why SharpMapGis plugin references DeltaShell.Core???
(minus) Loader is referencing Common projects so that they will be copied to Loader/bin/ - discuss!
(minus) FIX images, some are DeltaShell.* and also not used
(minus) REMOVE / MOVE TO OLD CODE DeltaShell.Plugins.Demis.MapControl ??? (not used in the current solution)
(minus) I had to comment some code to make everything work, check diff on revision when new-layout branch was created
(plus) Strange that it was necessary to re-reference NetTopologySuite, do we have it as DLL somewhere??
(minus) REMOVE reference to DeltaShell.Plugins.SharpMapGis in SharpMap.UI.Tests!
(minus) make SharpMap.Extensions.Xml work (current excluded), migrate from plugin (pull-up)
(minus) search all project for DelftShell and fix it (some dirs, files need to be renamed)
(minus) check ALL hidded files not included into project and clean-up!

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