See also: OATC Wiki Home

Date: 5. November 2010
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 CEST
Venue: Skype Conference Call
Topic: From OpenMI 2.0 Beta to OpenMI 2.0

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, Wallingford Software (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (, DHI (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)

Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (
Unknown User (don), Deltares (

1 Informations from the OAEC meeting (Standa)

1.1 Official paper

Some document, describing steps we did for the version a statement, than OATC is happy with the status of Version 2 is required. Content we will be obtained soon.
Up to this moment version is temporaly accepted.

1.2 Release

Not fully clear yet when the formal release for public is planned. At least during the Washington meeting (7-9.12 2010).
We will obtain info how the release process will be done
Proper decimination + publicity will be handled by OAEC and OADC.

1.3 Actions to SVN Repository and web sites before release

SVN Repository

The following actions have to be taken:

  • (warning) Everone: remove depricated branches
  • Stef/Jesper: check SDK (See ch. 5)
  • Stef: Create tags fixing C# and java release version of the Standard

Web sites

(warning) Standa: arrange wiki, i.e.:

  • remove Dashboard > OpenMI 2.0 doc
  • rename Review page to OpenMI 2.0 page
  • etc. (adjust related texts)

(warning) Peter: make proposal for site (news, button, etc., referring to the wiki).

2. Roadmap to OpenMI 2.0 as suggested by Standa

2.1. Documentation

Updating of the Documentation



task for


What's new in OpenMI 2.0



Done: remove loop-approach text (thumbs up)

OpenMI 'in a nutshell



Still Valid (thumbs up)

Scope document



Still Valid (thumbs up)

Incorporate text on Standard Extensions in OpenMI Standard2 interface specification



Done (SH): Peter will review it

OpenMI Standard2 Reference manual

when source code will be stabilized



Migrating models



Will clean up the document and check it (JGr>SV>JGr>Steve)

(question) maybe change the names for OpenMI Standard2 interface specification and OpenMI Standard2 Reference manual

2.2. How to



task for


How to download the most recent source code

no changes???


(thumbs up)

How to get started with OpenMI 2.x and Java

no changes???

no changes,


How to link models with different grids (spatial mapping)

small changes

Peter (starting nov. 12th)


How to turn an ASCII file reader into a Linkable Component 2.0

source code for latest version exist. Changes reflecting Time extensions
need to be done in Howto page


(thumbs up)

How to upgrade from version 1.4 IEngine

Did it work now? Will be included to the official release?
– or put it to the pages later?


OK, SH will just to be sure check when migrating Sobek

– or put it to the pages later? | - | To be released after more experience |

time-dependent / time-independent mixing

how to mix time-dependent and time-ignorant model components


Will be done later (not needed before releasing 2.0)

3. Remaining issues from previous meetings





Update copyright notice

Add year 2010 to the OpenMI copyright header in all source files

Java updates done: Rob.
C# updates done: Stef
(Standard2 only, *SDK will be done by JGr/SH next to weeks *)

Update SDK headers

Adapted output factorty providers

Check Specification document and code comments on the limitation of only asking the adaptee's component for adapted output factorties

action: SH


<new issue>


<status: open>


  • Release of the 2.0 Beta: Also notify people who participate in the review process about the new version and changes made according to their input.

5. SDK

Work is being done on the SDK, following the work of migrating existing engines.


  • Issue with ElementMapper and memory has been fixed (transferring 1.4 solution to 2.0)
  • A number of bugs has been fixed (time buffer, some adaptors)
  • The groundwater model and simple river model has been updated for more advanced (bidirectional) coupling
  • Example and test of coupling the groundwater model and the simple river model, in as well a uni- as a bi-directional setup (ground water level -> river, and river leakage -> ground water model).
  • Example of how one input can handle multiple outputs are implemented/tested. Check out:

(warning) Everyone: have a look at the MultiInputSupport in the next two weeks.

A project plan is probably required in the near future (when the standard is released), in order to have the SDK move in a proper direction.
(warning) Jesper and Stef will look at the SDK, clarify things were possible, and report what in their opinion still has to be done (next two weeks)

6. Project management tool

Suggestion: Use the Trac wiki at sourceforge to keep track of tasks, feature requests, bugs, enhancements etc. and also discussions that covers many meetings.

Check out:
You need to log in (using your source-forge username/password) in order to get full access (to edit wiki/create tickets)

7. Next Meeting

Skype session: 18th, most probably 9am

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