
Configure Manual Forecast Dialog to load batch runs (predefined)

Module Name:


Where to Use?


Why to Use?

To add a Macro button to the Manual Forecast Display


The Manual Forecast Dialog includes a facility to run a predefined list of forecast. This list can be defined in an XML file. This facility is off by default but can be switched on using the instructions given here.


Stand Alone system, should not be used in client-server mode. Method for starting up the display. Usually an entry in the explorer tasks section of the Explorer configuration.


A button that can be used to load a list of forecasts will be added to the manual forecast display



Schema for the actual lists of forecasts:

he XML file for the Manual Forecast Dialog can also contain other configuration options which are described elsewhere.

Available since:




Apart from the batch tab in the manual forecast it is also possible to run batches of forecasts that have been predefined in an xml file. To be able to use these the display must be configured to add a button to load these files. Configuration consists of the following steps:

  • Add the display to the DisplayDescriptors file if this has not already been done (see entry below)
  • Make an XML config file for the display in the DisplayConfigFIles directory named ManualForecastDisplay 1.00 default.xml. Set the buttonVisible element to true(see example below).
  • Add an entry for this file to the DisplayInstanceDescriptors file
  • After restarting the system the Macro button should be visible (see screendump)
  • You can now load an XML file with a list of forecast to perform (example).


Config Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manualForecastDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <description>Run pre-defined forecasts</description>

The configurable items of interest are:

  • directory: Default directory the file dialog uses. This is where you would store you XML files with pre-defined forecasts.
  • buttonVisible: set to true to enable the button. Default is false.

Error and warning messages

No known error messages.

Known issues

No known issues.

Related modules and documentation

Technical reference

Entry in displayDescriptors:


Link to schema:

  • No labels