The following common post-build events can be used in the solution in case if:

  • PostSharp is used by the project
  • Project represents a plugin in DelftShell

I moved some options into PluginPostBuild.cmd script.

Some build scripts were moved into MSBuild script.

... MSBuild looks really ugly, probably worth switching to NAnt or NMaven.

call "$(SolutionDir)bin\PostSharpPostBuild.cmd" $(SolutionDir) $(TargetPath) $(TargetFileName) $(ConfigurationName) $(PlatformName) $(OutDir) $(ProjectDir) $(ProjectPath) $(TargetDir)

call "$(SolutionDir)\bin\PluginPostBuild.cmd" "$(SolutionDir)apps\DelftShell\modules\DelftShell.Loader\bin\plugins\$(ProjectName)\" "$(TargetDir)"

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