How to add metadata to the Deltares Data Portal

If you want to add meta data to the Deltares Data Portal you need:

  1. credentials to add meta data to the Deltares Data Portal
  2. metadata.xml

1. Credentials are not given unless you are willing to participate more then only apply meta data. Actually this is recruitment by the Deltares Data Portal team. Please send a mail to

2. A metadata.xml can be made in several ways:

  • by code (several solutions are available ask
  • by typing xml (not recommended)
  • by using the INSPIRE MetaData Editor
  • by using the NGR MetaData Editor (you need credentials for that, if you need to add data to the NGR please send a mail to
  • by using MIKADO (not supported by Deltares Data Portal team)

If you happen to choose for the INSPIRE meta data editor read this very short manual.

The INSPIRE Meta Data Editor

The editor can be found at the website of INSPIRE. First create a new meta data entry by pressing new. You will get the choice

Choose what you have to offer (mostly this is an INSPIRE Spatial Dataset.

Follow all the tabs. Save the xml, store it and if you don't have any credentials to upload it to the Deltares Data Portaal mail it to

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