
The sample viewer shows information about the samples that are shown based on the selected locations in the Data Viewer. For the selected locations a list of samples is shown in the upper part of the sample viewer. In the lower part of the sample viewer the content of selected samples are shown.


To use the sample viewer, configure it as <explorerTask> in Explorer.xml using <predefinedDisplay>sample viewer</predefinedDisplay> for example:

<explorerTask name="Monsters">
	<predefinedDisplay>sample viewer</predefinedDisplay>
	<accelerator>ctrl S</accelerator>

Export Time Series

Values of time series belonging to all selected samples in the sample viewer can be exported via the (right mouse click) context menu. 

When this is selected an export format can be chosen from the file type drop down menu.

The file types that can be chosen are configured in the Interactive Export Formats of Explorer.xml.

Select samples

Below the table with samples, a table with all values of the time series of the selected sample(s) are shown. In the image below sample 714 is selected so only values of the time series with sample id 714 are shown underneath.

Multiple samples can be selected at the same time. This is shown in the next image where samples 714 and 712 are selected.

The samples selection can be taken over by the filters in the data viewer when choosing the "select time series" option from the (right mouse) context menu:

The next image shows the location and parameter from the sample selected in the data viewer:

Selecting time series also works the other way around. By selecting locations in the data viewer, the sample viewer automatically only shows samples for those locations:

Selecting locations and parameters can be combined as can be seen below. Mulitple locations are selected and 1 parameter, only samples are shown that have values for time series belonging to one of the locations and the selected parameter.

Filtering sample viewer

The sample table can be filtered via the option Filter Tree in the (right mouse) context menu:

This will show a window where you can select values for columns for which the entire table will be filtered. Columns on which filtering is applied will be shown with a light blue background.

Filtering also works by double clicking on a cell in the sample table. Just as filtering from the filter window this can be applied to multiple cells as illustrated in the next image where the sample table is filtered for location "MBP016" and medewerker "IMP"

Season and time filtering (since 2021.01)

Since 2021.01 it is also possible to filter samples on time and define a list of seasons for filtering of samples within a specific period within years.

Sample Display Config
<sampleDisplay xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews  https://fewsdocs.deltares.nl/schemas/version1.0/sampleDisplay.xsd">
	<season startMonthDay="--04-01" endMonthDay="--09-30" label="Groeiseizoen"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--09-30" endMonthDay="--04-01" label="Off season"/>

A dropdown menu on top of the sample panel will appear for this season and time filtering option:

Edit samples (since 2020.02)

Since 2020.02 it is possible to edit sample values directly from the sample viewer. To enable this the sampleViewer needs its own configuration file with <enableEditor>true</enableEditor>. It is also possible to set a permission on the editing of sample data.

Sample Display Config
<sampleDisplay xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews  https://fewsdocs.deltares.nl/schemas/version1.0/sampleDisplay.xsd">

Make sure to also point towards this display in the explorer tasks with the same display config file name als the Sample Display config:

Sample Display Explorer Task
		<explorerTask name="Monsterweergave">
			<accelerator>ctrl M</accelerator>

When this is configured correctly there will be an extra right mouse menu option to delete a row from the sample:

And also an extra right mouse menu option to edit either the value of the time series or edit the value of a valueProperty:

An important thing to keep in mind is that deleting a value from the sample viewer cannot be undone via the sample viewer, but setting the value to a missing will.
Since 2022.01 the option "Delete selected record until reimport" has been added, that also gives the possibility to reimport (an updated value of) this record. 

Delete samples

Since 2021.02 samples can be deleted via the right mouse menu, this will also delete all values belonging to the sample.

For this editing must be enabled.


Since 2021.01 it is also possible to view, add and edit comments directly from the table via the right mouse menu.

The comment column will appear automatically when at least 1 comment is present.

For this editing must be enabled.


Since 2021.01 flags are automatically shown (if present) in the Quality column, unreliable values are shown as missing in the Sample Viewer, but the value (if not a real missing) can be exported from the database:


Since 2021.01 the option to show the history of a value is also added to the right mouse menu

This will show the history window in the same way as can be done via the Time Series Dialog:

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