
Delft-Fews offers different functionalities to support the validation of the datafeeds import.

The System Monitor

The datafeeds can be visualized in the import status tab of the system monitor. In the DisplayConfigFiles\SystemMonitorDisplay.xml configuration file it is good practice to configure relevant thresholds for inactive datafeeds. This configuration ensures that everything looks green, when everything is going fine and becomes yellow or orange or red when there is a problem.  See the below picture as example.

The Import Status Checker

Besides the visual validation in the System Monitor, the FSS can also log a message when a certain time threshold is exceeded.

Follow these steps to enable this:

Add an (optional) eventCode and a logLevel to the time threshold in your SystemMonitorDisplay.xml. Note that you should only do it for the situation that there really is an issue, so in this example after 36 minutes, when it is displayed as red:

Add the predefined activity “import status checker” to your workflow:

In case a time threshold is now exceeded, a WARN message will be logged, with eventCode “DataFeed.missing”.

Example of usage:

The logged WARN message could for example facilitate to trigger a follow-up action to the eventCode. Such an action could for example be an e-mail to an affected user to become aware of the issue.

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