Deltares Data Management Plan, template version 2.0

The release version 2.0 of the data management plan (DMP) of Deltares. Feedback from users of earlier versions of the DMP is incorporated in this version. Feedback and suggestions for improvements can be shared in the DMP template feedback document or with Ane Wiersma and Kees den Heijer.

For new projects, the DMP will automatically appear in "A. Contractual items\" of your project folder on the N-drive.

Contact you unit data steward (see FAIR Home for contact details) for advise on completing the DMP.

View: Data Management Plan v2.0 Mar 2024.docx

Download: Data Management Plan v2.0 Mar 2024.docx

View all layers in a data portal, using the Scraper for viewers with geoserver layers

An example script is provided for the NHI data portal, though other webviewers may order/name XML tags differently.

Geoserver Scraper

Thredds metadata harvester for NetCDF's

The thredds metadata harvester harvests the metadata from NetCDF files on the Deltares Dataportal Thredds server. It then uploads the metadata to the Deltares Dataportal Geonetwork. The script runs locally and saves ISO/TC 211 formatted XML files in the folder where you run the script from, to then upload them to the Deltares Data Portal.

NetCDF Harvester

Metadata harvester for Geoserver

The metadata harvester for Geoserver collects metadata from a geoservers of choice. It then uploads the metadata to the Deltares Dataportal Geonetwork. The script runs locally.


Shp/GeoTIFF Harvester

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1 Comment

  1. Zijn er ook ideeen om aan te sluiten om andere Nederlandse intiatieven op dit vlak, bijvoorbeeld Of wil Deltares een geheel eigen omgeving inrichten, workflow hanteren omdat onze data/FAIR-wensen anders zijn dan bij andere kennisinstituten/-instellingen?