The objective of the International Meuse Symposium is to share and exchange knowledge on water-related modelling and processes (in the widest sense) of the Meuse catchment on a scientific basis. Target audience are all scientists, water managers and stakeholders that feel connected to the Meuse basin. The symposium series has been initiated in the course of the AMICE project in 2013 and is organized by Deltares, the Université de Liège and the Schone Maaswaterketen.

Meuse, weir Namur (Photo: B. Becker)

Lesse at Han sur Lesse (Photo: B. Becker)

Ourthe near Rendeux (Belgium) (Photo: B. Becker)

Contact: Bernhard Becker

Keywords: hydrology Meuse Maas Liège Luik Deltares University Aquapôle modelling modeling basin symposium

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