Blog from October, 2011

NRC Handelsblad front page news item: Dutch national science foundation NWO requires scientist to open up their data!

Wednesday Nov 2nd there will be a free sprint session on Matlab pre- and postprocessing of OpenDelft3D featuring a free hands-on training in plotting model results in Google Earth with OpenEarthTools GooglePlot toolbox. The DelftDashBoard and QuickPlot pre- and postprocessing GUI's will also be discussed.

Please sign up via: and tick "Open Source Pre- and Postprocessing Workshop (free)".

Join, bring your own laptop, your own Delft3D model schematisation
and view your own model as the Delft3D examples below.

The EU FP7 project MICORE prepared an executive summary with the five main outcomes of the project. Among the key outcomes are:

  • the successful use of OpenEarth Introduction as a protocol for data and knowledge sharing
  • the use of the Frame of Reference approach as a means to build bridges between coastal experts and end-users

The English as well as the Dutch version may be downloaded below

  File Modified
PDF File MicoreBC-English esecutive e-print.pdf English version of executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld
PDF File MicoreBC-Netherlands esecutive e-print.pdf Nederlandse versie van executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld
JPEG File MICORE Executive Summary Front Page.jpg Front page executive summary 06-10-2011 by Mark van Koningsveld