*Date: 03-11-2010 
Venue: Aquafin, Aartselaar 

Moore, Roger: CEH Wallingford, UK
Hughes, Andrew: BGS, UK
Van Assel, Johan: Aquafin, BE
Gregersen, Jan: Hydroinform
Blind, Michiel: Personal member
Safiolea, Ria (via webex): On behalf of personal member Maria Mimikou / NTUA
Apologies: None



Item Responsible/Action Documents to be discussed
1. Introduction and Purpose of the 12th Meeting Ria Safiolea This agenda

2. Road map for dissemination Ria Safiolea Ria Safiolea's .ppt for the AGM
a. Objectives
b. Strategy
c. Plan

3. The OpenMI Association web site Ria Safiolea The web site
a. Objectives
b. Content
c. Facilities for maintaining the site
i. Summary of what is available
ii. Navigation – can content be found
iii. Progress with NTUA plans
1. RSS feeds
2. CMS
iv. User notes and passwords Ria Safiolea NTUA email on contribution in kind
d. Procedures for updating the site
e. Immediate tasks

4. Publicizing the release of the OpenMI Version 2 Roger Moore
a. Publicizing the event
b. Making the documentation available

5. Making the results of the OpenMI-Life project available on the web The OpenMI-Life Final Report and Appendices
a. On the OpenMI-Life site
b. On the OpenMI site

6. Progress on the E-Learning Platform Christos Makropoulos

7. OpenMI Association website
a. CMS for section "publications and documents"
b. Guidance document
c. Other Elias Sotiropoulos and Johan Van Assel OpenMI website/ manuals

8. Conferences, papers, newsletters, articles All
a. IEMS 2010s
b. FCO meeting Washington Outline programme
c. AGU 2010
d. EC Integrated Modelling Workshop

9. Summary of Actions All

10. Date of next meeting All


1. Introductions

2. Roadmap

Ria presented the ppt (see attached) on the roadmap. Main points are as follows:

• Commitment as opposed to just interest
• Minimised plan with maximised team - to spread the load
• Different considerations for internal and external communication
• Develop consistent set of procedures so that everyone knows what to do
• Each OA member works within their own specialist group to sell OpenMI to their peers
• Divide next 12 months into "chunks" and give each chunk to different parts of the OA to run:
o Internal: get news from other OA members, suggest venues for dissemination activities and update rest of OA with developments.
o External: update website, evaluate activities, maintain database of contacts, newsletter, promote OA at meetings, conferences, trade fairs, etc.
• Role of DC to monitor, evaluate and co-ordinate.

Ria to raise issue of issue version2 of OA with the TC 19/04/2011 DONE
Roger to produce next draft of dissemination plan 19/04/2011 ONGOING

3. Website

Current website should be able to be updated easily so that individuals can add news, for example. The site should reflect the activity of the OA.

Four options:

1. Transfer to another organisation, e.g. BGS
2. Use content management system, e.g. Drupal/Joomla
3. Google pages
4. Use wiki that is a miiror on the current site

4. Publicising release of v2 OpenMI

Being put to EC for final approval and then should be released to public. Ideas for publicing release:

  • Include examples of models in e-learning
  • IAHR and IWA newsletters (IWA: specilist group); WSSTP newsletter, What's new in Europe newsletter - cuHasi newsletter -
    IEMSS distribtuion list
  • Press release
  • Flyer
  • Announce on e-mail lists
  • Promote to EC officials

Michiel to check for more newsletters we could use 19/04/2011 DONE
Ask software developers timetable for migration of the ir models to v2 19/04/2011 DONE
Check with Standa over state of "OpenMI in a nutshell" 19/04/2011 DONE
Andrew to draft one pager on what's new in v2 19/04/2011 DONE
Michiel to draft "road map" for publising v2 release 19/04/2011 DONE

5. Making the results of the OpenMI-Life project available on the web

Documents to be put on Openlife website by 15th November

6. Progress on e-learning platform

In use, but material needs to be added to OA members.

Ria to send e-mail to OA members to encourage use of e-learning site 19/04/2011 Outstanding since E-learning is currently reworked

7. OA website

CMS needs to operational by 5th December to allow promotion of v2 nd also to follow up US-Europe integrated modelling meeting.

Ria to ask developer earliest and latest date for finalising CMS 19/04/2011 Overtaken / Overruled / Dicharged

8. Conferences, papers, newsletters, articles

Not discussed

Date of Next meeting: TBA during Washington mtg 7-9th December

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