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Date: 30. March 2011
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 CET
Venue: Skype Conference Call

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, Innovyze Ltd (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)
Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (, DHI (



Stef has removed tests that will not work on the short term. These tests are still available in
He also excluded tests from that are not working yet, but are supposed to be working on the short term.
He will now focus on making all tests work.

SDK java

Rob and a collegue have started to work on a java SDK. They are considering to use annotations.

OpenMI / OMS


  • more for large scale legacy code.
  • set as as standard


  • modelling tool for connecting small models.
  • not really a standard
    Let us ask Riccardo what problems his developers/modellers experienced with OpenMI
    Rob will get in touch with Olaf David about co-operation between OpenMI and OMS (both are in java)

EGU / OpenWaterSymposium

Gena, Peter and Quillon will be at EGU.
Standa and Stef will be at the OpenWaterSymposium.

Other issues

Frank Ruessner has done his PhD work based on OpenMI 1.4. In the next few months he will do some developments in 2.0

Next meeting

Skype meeting at Wednesday April 13th, 9:00 CEST
Subject: Define a real test case for OpenMI 2.0

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