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Date: 23. June 2011
Time: 15:00- 16:00 CEST
Venue: Skype Conference Call
Topic: OGC documentation and SDKs

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, Innovyze Ltd (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)
Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (, DHI (


Status OGC

No news on the OGC.

SDK's / GUI's

Fluid Earth SDK/Pipistrelle

Adrian will start to work on it from next Monday, tree days a week. Working prototype will be available around mid July.
After that, Pipistrelle will be done after that (Adrian has gained quite a bit of experience with the dotSpatial component, can replace the activeX component in Pipistrelle.
The Fluid Earth SDK and Pipistrelle will also be tested on Linux/MONO.
Rob has a Mac with MONO, he will test it on a Mac.


Deltares indeed is using the current OATC SDK.
Things work fine, but the models for now only have simple id-based input en output exchange items.

Oatc Java SDK/GUI

 Rob is working on the SDK starting with easy test cases.

Other issues

Robert Szczepanek, the developer from Poland is a private member now from the Association. We can invite him to the OATC. We could arrange a specific session on his Python work.
Standa will ask him wether he would like that.

Web based model integration meeting in Birmingham. Dan Dan Cornford (Aston Univ. Birmingham) was asking about the latest version of the java code, to do some work on the web services possibilities of OpenMI.

(Left from previous meeting: an OATC email address was suggested, something like or Standa will contact the OAEC in that question.)

Holiday Scheme's

Adrian: not clear yet
Jesper: wk 28, wk 30-31
Peter: wk 27-29
Rob: wk 28-29
Stef: wk 30, wk 32

Next meeting

Date to be determined by means of a Doodle planner.

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