Modules are python files (*.py) that can be imported in a script. Packages are collections of modules within a single namespace. If you like, read up on the exact definitions here or here.

It can be handy to build your own package. For example: you have build a set of scripts for a specific project. Let's say Project X. For Project X you have written some scripts for

  • input of specific data (
  • output to a format the client specifically requested (
  • tailored plots (

To keep track of these functions for this project, you want to build a single package containing these functions. This can easily be achieved without leaving DeltaShell.

Writing a module

  1. Open DeltaShell
  2. In the Toolbox, create a new script in the upper 'Scripts' directory and name it 'outputX'
  3. Copy-paste the following dummy function and save the file:

    def dummyX():
        print "Hello World!"
  4. Create a new script called 'runfile'
  5. In runfile, we will import outputX and run the dummyX function:

    import outputX

    In the Messages window, you will see the 'Hello World' output appear. We have imported 'outputX' as a module.

Writing a package

  1. To make a package, insert a new folder in the scripts folder and name it 'ProjectX:
  2. To move 'outputX' to the new 'ProjectX' package, right click on 'outputX' and select 'Open location with windows explorer'.
  3. In windows explorer, cut-paste in the ProjectX directory. The directory structure should now look like this:

  4. To use the dummyX function, change the code in to:
from ProjectX import outputX



Congratulations! You have written your own Python package with DeltaShell.