Frequently Asked Questions

What is SOBEK 3?

SOBEK 3 is a powerful 1D/2D modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimization of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, sewer overflow design, river morphology, salt intrusion and surface water quality. For more information, please visit our product page.

How is SOBEK 3 related to Delft3D Flexible Mesh?

SOBEK 3 is a subset of the Delft3D Flexible Mesh software, composed for optimal use in regional and 1D/2D river applications. 

Will SOBEK 3 be Open Source?

Yes, as SOBEK 3 is part of the larger Delft3D Flexible Mesh software family, SOBEK will eventually become Open Source.

Visit our Open Source community page!

How can I get SOBEK 3?

We offer several service packages at our product page.

Can I use SOBEK 3 for my PhD or Master research?

Of course! In many cases we can provide a free copy of SOBEK 3 for your research. Contact our sales department for options.

How do I refer to SOBEK 3 in scientific papers?

Since SOBEK 3 is part of Delft3D Flexible Mesh, it is advised to refer to the entire software package and link to our Open Source webpages:

See also the literature for specific items like the numerical scheme of SOBEK or the real-time control module D-RTC.


  1. Anonymous

    Dear all,

    thanks for making an opensource software happening. I am convinced it will give a boost. Please indicate means on where users should exchange concerning for example python scripting if tutorial material is not sufficient.

    Best regards


  2. Dear Sebastian,

    thank you for your message! Unfortunately we do not have an OSS forum for SOBEK specifically. You could try the Delft3D FM fora, e.g:

    Be sure to clearly state that your question is regarding 1D / SOBEK.

    Hope that this answers your question sufficiently (smile)



  3. Anonymous

    I don’t understand a lot of the jargon used or exactly what Argus station is about. But I do live right next to upper Peralta Creek in the Fruitvale Laurel Districk in Oakland California and it shows up on my Internet now as the Wi-Fi link is there a way to get a password so I can link up with it or how does that work or is it restricted