Habitat Analysis approach (Habitat modelling Deltares)

Several routines have been developed to optimize the workflow in HABITAT. A library with Python functions were developed to create habitat models, load response curves, link models and run models. This allows for a fast setup of the habitat suitability model, less typos by loading response curves from *.csv files and automated running of model and export of output maps.

Two tutorials were created to:

  1. Setup an automated HABITAT model
  2. Run scenarios in batch mode

In the first tutorial the project structure of HABITAT is setup with composite models and several types of habitat suitability models. Input maps with environmental variables are imported and response curves are added from *.csv files or by manually typing. Models are automatically run and output maps are written in designated output folders.

In the second tutorial the model from the first tutorial is used to run several scenarios and years within these scenarios in batch mode. In each scenario and each year, models are run and output maps are written in designated output folders. Finally, results from several scenarios are compared to visualize the differences between scenarios. 

To download the tutorials follow this link. Scripting tutorials.zip

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