Blog from March, 2009

In June, Deltares (former Delft | Hydraulics) organizes two courses on Pressure Transients. On June 2nd and 3rd, the Introduction course on Pressure Transients, directly followed by the non-recurring Advanced course on pressure transients on June 4th and 5th.

For the advanced course, we have invited several international lecturers to share their expert knowledge with us during the course. For a detailed overview of topics, please check the course program

Both courses can be booked separately, based on your own experience. You can register for these courses using the registration form.

Also see our Wiki page with Training courses & Workshops.

Wanda 3.71 Released!

Wanda 3.71 has been released and is avaible via our Download site.

In this version the new Vent/Air valve with inflow and outflow characteristics is available. We also have improved the license authorization and version check and fixed some minor bugs. For a complete list of improvements, please see the release notes and installation guides.

If you have already installed vs 3.70; it is not necessary to update your license file; users which have not installed vs 3.7 yet are strongly recommended to install WANDA vs 3.71 because Wanda 3.60 is no longer supported by our helpdesk.

The latest Wanda newsletter (March 2009) is available, which contains information on the new Wanda releases, new components and innovative projects.

The newsletter is directly available from the Wiki: Wanda Newsletter March 2009.