Blog from September, 2011

Changes in Wanda 4.0.2 September 2011

The following issues have been resolved since the release of Wanda 4.0.1 July 2011:

  • The visibility of output properties for H-nodes in the diagram was saved incorrectly. Visibility of H-node output properties wasn’t saved correctly (checkbox in output field) and therefore the value was not updated in the diagram when the output data changed.
  • The visibility of output properties in the diagram was saved incorrectly
  • The visibility of the quantity property of the SENSOR component in the diagram was saved incorrectly
  • Incorrect mean efficiency calculation in Pump characteristics
  • Incorrect power calculation in Pump characteristics
  • Incorrect efficiency calculation in PumpEnergy module

Note: these issues only affect Wanda 4 and are not applicable for Wanda 3.73